
Machine Learning Workflow

with DVC

Hongjoo LEE

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About Me

Machine Learning Engineer @

SK Hynix
Data Science

Recent Work Interest

Knowledge Graph
Supply Chain Management
Mining Software Repository


  1. Software Developers vs ML Developers
  2. ML Workflow and DVC
  3. Walkthrough example (Cats vs Dogs)

Waterfall to Agile

Software Dev. LifeCycle

  • code : git
  • build : sbt, maven
  • test : jUnit
  • release : Jenkins
  • deploy : docker, AWS
  • operate : Kubernetes
  • monitor : ELK stack

Machine Learning Dev. LifeCycle

  1. Data Acquisition
  2. Data Preprocessing
  3. Build Model
  4. Evaluation & Model Selection
  5. Deployment

Machine Learning Workflow

Challenging issues in ML workflow

Machine Learning is not Software Engineering

  • Versioning data along with code
  • Deploy a Model (not a code)
  • Metric Driven Deployment

Versioning data along with code

								$ tree data
								├── raw_data.csv
								├── cleaned_data.csv
								├── cleaned_data_final.csv
								├── cleaned_data_preprocessed_final.csv
								└── cleaned_data_preprocessed_final.csv.bak
  • Data version hell
  • Data shared for team sports
  • Data triggers a pipeline (AWA Code)
  • ML model must be versioned and tracked

Metric Driven Development

  • Developing software matters features
  • Developing Machine Learning matters metrics
  • Metrics must be tracked

DVC helps to handle these challenges.

There are other solutions, such as...

I recommend DVC because...
  • Easy to use
  • Language independent
  • Useful to an individual to a large team

Cats vs Dogs Classification

The example project ( trains a small VGGNet to classify cat and dog images.

Follow the instruction in the repository to build a docker image and containerize the image with running bash shell. Following commands should be run inside the docker container

project structure

$ cd cats_and_dogs
$ tree
├── data
│   ├── finalized
│   ├── processed
│   └── raw
├── notebooks
├── requirements.txt
├── scripts
│   ├──
│   └──
└── src
    ├── catdog


Initialize repository

$ git init
$ git add src
$ git commit -m 'initialize repository'
$ dvc init
$ git status
        new file:   .dvc/.gitignore
        new file:   .dvc/config
        new file:   .dvc/plots/confusion.json
        new file:   .dvc/plots/default.json
        new file:   .dvc/plots/scatter.json
        new file:   .dvc/plots/smooth.json
$ git add .dvc
$ git commit -m 'initialize dvc'


Download data

It's pretty large dataset containing 25K images in total, half cats and half dogs.

$ scripts/
$ ls /tmp/PetImages
Cat  Dog

Setup parameters

$ cat << EOF > params.yaml
> data:
>   raw: "/tmp/PetImages"
>   processed: "data/processed"
> prep:
>   split_rate: 0.9 
>   class_size: 2000
> train:
>   learning_rate: 0.001
>   batch_size: 100 
>   epochs: 15
>   validation_rate: 0.2
$ git add params.yaml
$ git commit -m "add parameters"

Define data prepare stage

$ dvc run -n prep -p prep -d src/catdog/ \
	-o data/processed python -m catdog.preprocess
$ git status
$ cat data/.gitignore
$ git add dvc.yaml dvc.lock data
$ git commit -m "define prep stage"

Define train / evaluate stage (ver. 0.1)

Train and evaluate first VGGNet with One Convolutional layer and One Fully Connected layer

$ dvc run -n train -p train -d data/processed/ \
	-d src/catdog/ -o data/model.h5 --plots-no-cache \
	data/plot.json python -m catdog.train
$ dvc run -n evaluate -d data/model.h5 -d src/catdog/ \
	-m data/score.json python -m catdog.evaluate
$ git status
        modified:   data/.gitignore
        modified:   dvc.lock
        modified:   dvc.yaml
        modified:   src/catdog/
$ cat data/.gitignore
$ git add data/ dvc.lock dvc.yaml src/catdog/
$ git commit -m '1 Conv, 1 FC'
$ git tag -a 0.1 -m "ver 0.1, 1 Conv, 1 FC"

Pipeline Dependency of defined stages

$ dvc dag
  | prep |
  | train |
| evaluate |


Reproducing Experiment

`dvc repro` checks any changes in dependencies and automatically runs the pipeline from the first stage where a change happened

$ dvc repro
Stage 'prep' didn't change, skipping
Stage 'train' didn't change, skipping
Stage 'evaluate' didn't change, skipping
Data and pipelines are up to date.

Reproducing Experiment (ver. 0.2)

Add another Convolutional layer and reproduce affected stages

model = keras.Sequential([
	layers.Conv2D(16, (3, 3), activation='relu', input_shape=(224, 224, 3)),
	layers.MaxPooling2D(2, 2),
	layers.Conv2D(32, (3, 3), activation='relu'),
	layers.MaxPooling2D(2, 2),
	layers.Dense(512, activation='relu'),
	layers.Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')

Reproducing Experiment (ver. 0.2)

Add another Convolutional layer and reproduce affected stages

$ dvc repro
$ git add data dvc.lock src/catdog/
$ git commit -m '2 Conv, 1 FC'
$ git tag -a 0.2 -m "ver. 0.2 , 2Conv, 1FC"

Reproducing Experiment (ver. 0.3)

Add third Convolutional layer and reproduce affected stages

model = keras.Sequential([
	layers.Conv2D(16, (3, 3), activation='relu', input_shape=(224, 224, 3)),
	layers.MaxPooling2D(2, 2),
	layers.Conv2D(32, (3, 3), activation='relu'),
	layers.MaxPooling2D(2, 2),
	layers.Conv2D(64, (3, 3), activation='relu'),
	layers.MaxPooling2D(2, 2),
	layers.Dense(512, activation='relu'),
	layers.Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')

Reproducing Experiment (ver. 0.3)

Add third Convolutional layer and reproduce affected stages

$ dvc repro
$ git add data dvc.lock src/catdog/
$ git commit -m '3 Conv, 1 FC'
$ git tag -a 0.3 -m "ver. 0.3 , 3Conv, 1FC"

Compare metrics for each version

Regarding to the accuracy, just adding Conv layers seems not helping the result.

$ dvc metrics show -T
                acc: 0.675000011920929
                acc: 0.6924999952316284
                acc: 0.7124999761581421
                acc: 0.675000011920929

Metric Driven Development

The training process for each experiment tell something

v0.1 v0.2 v0.3
Val. ACC

Metric Driven Development (Overfitting)

Clear sign of overfitting --> Regularization

model = keras.Sequential([
	layers.Conv2D(16, (3, 3), activation='relu', input_shape=(224, 224, 3)),
	layers.MaxPooling2D(2, 2),
	layers.Conv2D(32, (3, 3), activation='relu'),
	layers.MaxPooling2D(2, 2),
	layers.Conv2D(64, (3, 3), activation='relu'),
	layers.MaxPooling2D(2, 2),
	layers.Dense(512, activation='relu'),
	layers.Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')

Metric Driven Development (Dropout)

$ dvc repro
$ git add dvc.lock src/catdog/ data/plot.json 
$ git commit -m '3 Conv, 1 FC, Dropout added'
$ tag -a 0.4 -m "ver. 0.4, 3Conv, 1FC, Dropout(0.5)"

Metric Driven Development (Data Augmentation)

Rather than increasing size of data, try data augmentation technique

$ git checkout -b data_augmentation 0.3

    training_datagen = ImageDataGenerator(validation_split=validation_rate,

Try this @ home

DVC walkthrough :
Slides :
Email :